State-of-the-art indoor positioning.
Nextome is the ultimate RTLS. Patented in the United States,
Europe, and Singapore.
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Easier done than said.
We know how hard it is to find a solution that is advanced, reliable, and easy to use. That’s why we designed Nextome, a simple and powerful solution allowing you to create indoor and outdoor GPS and relying on off-the-shelf hardware like iBeacons, Eddystone Beacons and iOS and Android smartphones (supporting Bluetooth® 4.0 BLE technology, 5.0 soon).
Ease of installation, no fingerprinting required
Smooth integration through the SDK and APIs
Decentralized scalable infrastructure
Super accuracy, with off-the-shelf technology
Effortless map digitization
Patented and validated by top market actors
Raffaele Mastrolonardo using Nextome’s algorithm, one would need just 40 beacons instead of 150 to cover a 1,000 square meters surface
Grizzly Analytics
Dr. Bruce Krulwich
Nextome has achieved 45cm accuracy in lab tests and around one meter in real deployments
ABI Research
Patrick Connolly
In markets where navigation is important, some of the best solutions are from companies like Nextome
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The all-terrain, off-the-shelf solution.
Our product perfectly fits any condition. By leveraging off-the-shelf hardware, we create unique solutions that just excel in different and complex environments. Water, heat, and dust resistance, battery life, certifications for specific industries, indoor and outdoor functionality: there’s a stack for every need. And, yes, you're free to choose any technology, always being independent and saving money for what really matters.
BLE tag
You can use iOS and Android
smartphones or BLE customizable tags,
like wearables and RFID stickers
Beacon anchors
Choose any kind of iBeacons
that fits your needs and budget.
Nextome works with any gateways
compatible with Bluetooth® 5.0 (2.4 GHz),
Ethernet 10/100 (Wi-Fi optional) and
PoE (Power over Ethernet) IEEE 802.3af.
Bluetooth, Apple, iBeacon, Google, Eddystone, Android, BlueUp, and other trademarks are the property of their respective trademark holders.
Say hello to high accuracy.
Using our patented algorithm and lower sensor density than competitors, we reduce noise and achieve an average accuracy of 1.5 meters.
And goodbye to fingerprinting.
Our infrastructure allows you to scale up quicker than infrastructure-free technologies, just using smartphones and standard hardware. And so fingerprinting, an expensive and time-consuming procedure, becomes just a memory.
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The only boundary is no boundaries.
When a user moves between indoors and outdoors, the transition is seamless, with no need to change the app. That’s something only we can do in the market. That’s how we make your user experience more enjoyable than others.
SDK is the key.
Our software development kit opens the door to maximum customization and data intelligence, providing location and navigation capabilities, a list of points of interest on the map, and management of location-related events.
See how we compare to our RTLS solutions.
TECHNOLOGY Nextome Technology Bluetooth® Low-Energy Mesh Ultra-wideband
ACCURACY 1.5 m 1.5-2 m 30-50 cm
REFRESH RATE 200ms 200ms Real-time
BATTERY CONSUMPION Low Medium (settings dependent) High
GATEWAY 1/30 sq 1/room 1/50 sq
BEACON ANCHORS 1/40 sq 1 anchor x 35 sq 4 anchors x 50 sq
TAG 1 x person or asset 1 x person or asset 1 x person or asset
INSTALLATION TIME/SQ 10 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes
COST €€ €€€
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