A webinar on Thursday 11 July on how AI, RTLS and other disruptive technologies are transforming logistics, retail, healthcare and smart building, with managers, researchers and young innovators from all over Italy (and abroad)

AI, RTLS, Big Data, IoT and other technologies are transforming logistics, healthcare, retail and smart building. Experts from all over Italy will talk about this during the webinar "New digital frontiers for the Italian economy", which will be held on Thursday 11 July, on Zoom, from 14:00 to 18:10. The keynote speaker will be Paolo Traverso, a leading Italian expert in AI and Director of Strategic Planning at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler.

The webinar is organised by Bericus, an analysis and training company based in Vicenza, and Nextome. It will be structured around four round-table discussions with managers and founders of tech companies, top researchers, and young founders of start-ups and scale-ups from all over Italy (and abroad).

"Technologies that until yesterday were considered the exclusive domain of laboratories and large companies, are now having a profound impact on key sectors of our economy, and will have an even greater impact in the years to come. Of course, digital transformation requires new skills, investments, a change of mindset, and much more. But more than a challenge, this is above all a great opportunity for our country's companies, whose flexibility and dynamism are two of their great, historical strengths," notes Domenico Colucci, co-founder and COO of Nextome. "During the webinar, we will discuss with top experts about new applications of the most promising technologies, evolving business models and emerging promising solutions".

According to Gabriele Catania, president of Bericus, the webinar "will bring together in the same (virtual) room some of the protagonists of Italian innovation. They will share with us their experiences and expectations, as well as some valuable insights." Italy has what it takes, he adds, "to be a European leader and a Mediterranean hub of the digital transformation, provided that it invests in human capital and nurtures its talented people, who are not only to be found in big cities, but also in urban peripheries, industrial districts and inland areas."



Ora: 11 lug 2024 02:00 PM Roma

Entra Zoom Riunione


ID riunione: 899 1435 8448
Codice d'accesso: 690709



Modera Valentina Saini, giornalista

Saluti iniziali
Gabriele Catania, presidente di Bericus
Domenico Colucci, COO e cofondatore di Nextome 

Ore 14:05
Intervento di apertura
Paolo Traverso, director of strategic planning della Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Ore 14:10-15:10
Tavola rotonda #1: Tecnologie digitali (e non solo) per la logistica
Claudio Berti, CTO di Piqapart
Nicoletta Buratti, professoressa associata presso l’Università di Genova
Matteo Cipriani, technical sales strategist di Zerynth
Alessandro Garola, CTO di Eurofork
Aldo Pisanello, CTO di Finlogic

Tavola rotonda #2: Nuovi orizzonti tecnologici per l’healthcare e il caregiving
Luca Boschetti, manager di Metreo
Lorenzo Cantini, AD e cofondatore di Kentstrapper
Giorgio Castagno, AD e fondatore di Robota
Cristian Fracassi, AD e fondatore di Isinnova
Franco Marabelli, professore ordinario dell’Università degli Studi di Pavia nonché cofondatore e direttore scientifico di PLASMORE
Dante Gabriel Muratore, assistant professor presso Delft University of Technology
Roberto Nembrini, general manager e socio di Floky
Daniele Papetti, assistant professor presso l’Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca e cofondatore di THAITI
Silvia Pisani, ricercatrice e cofondatrice di SMET

Tavola rotonda #3: Costruire oggi il retail di domani
Gianluca Gatti, AD di WAC - Web Al Chilo
Elisa Fabbi, adjunct professor presso l’Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Fabio Ostuni, sales and business development di Nextome
Alexandre Rochat, innovation intelligence di Esselunga
Daniele Romeo, innovation manager & digital transformation specialist di Axians Italia 
Luigi Traverso, head of B2B solutions di Intesa (Gruppo Kyndryl)

Tavola rotonda #4: Innovazione reale per lo smart building
Fabio Amicarelli, cofondatore di Foldcast
Francesca di Giacomo, cofondatrice e CEO di Zeproject
Alessandro Lodigiani, country manager Italia di R2M Solution
Mirco Pietribiasi, CTO e cofondatore di Widdel
Stefano Remondino, innovation officer di JaKo Pionier
Oscar Roman, ricercatore della Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Paolo Sattamino, direttore tecnico di Harpaceas
Filippo Ubertini, professore ordinario presso l’Università degli Studi di Perugia

Alessandro Cimatti, direttore del Digital Industry Center della Fondazione Bruno Kessler


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