22 May 2024
The South, Italy's techno-scientific engine
Entrepreneurs, managers, researchers and founders from across the country will talk about the South as the techno-scientific engine of Italy in a webinar on 28 May

Southern Italy has great economic potential. Not only because it is a land of extraordinary natural and cultural treasures, but also because of its talented young people, its cutting-edge innovative startups, its universities and top manufacturing clusters. Thanks to the digital boom, and a centuries-old tradition of high education and creativity, the South has what it takes to become an engine of development for the rest of Italy - and the continent. This is the subject of the webinar "The South, Italy's techno-scientific engine", to be held on 28 May from 14:00 to 18:10 on Zoom (in Italian). It will be moderated by journalist Valentina Saini, and the keynote speaker will be Mattia Barbarossa, founder and CEO of Sidereus Space Dynamics, a space company headquartered in Salerno, Italy.

The webinar is organised by Bericus, an analysis and training company, with the support of Nextome, a high-tech company based in Puglia and specialised in RTLS. It will be structured around four round tables during which more than twenty speakers will discuss topics of great interest to entrepreneurs, startup founders and recent graduates from the South: from the mindset needed by those who want to found (and succeed with) a startup to the possible impact of AI on the economies of the southern regions, from the opportunities the world offers to graduates from the South, to how technologies will change our cities.

"The South has enormous economic and productive potential; as a high-tech company based in Puglia and working with organisations from all over the world, we want to help raise awareness of this as much as possible," said Domenico Colucci, co-founder and COO of Nextome. "For me, it is important to spread the message that you can be an innovative entrepreneur and stay in the South, even in small towns like Conversano in our case. Digital technologies offer new opportunities for growth and employment in this sense, as long as they are focused on the frontier of innovation".

According to Gabriele Catania, geopolitical analyst and president of Bericus, "Southern Italy can play a key role at national and European level in the coming decades, thanks to its human capital, its universities and top companies, its geographical position in the Mediterranean and a geopolitical context that favours phenomena such as nearshoring and friendshoring. But it needs infrastructure and a new narrative."


Argomento: SUD motore tecnoscientifico d'ITALIA
Ora: 28 mag 2024 02:00 PM 

Entra Zoom Riunione

ID riunione: 864 1471 0446
Codice d'accesso: 655313



Modera Valentina Saini, giornalista

Saluti iniziali
Gabriele Catania, analista e presidente di Bericus
Domenico Colucci, cofondatore e COO di Nextome

Intervento di apertura
Mattia Barbarossa, fondatore, CTO, e CEO di Sidereus Space Dynamics

Tavola rotonda #1: Il mindset di uno/a startupper
Domenico Colucci, cofondatore e COO di Nextome
Lucia Arcarisi, CEO e founder di Weabios
Paolo Pasini, HR Department Development di UNITEC
Riccardo Tornese, CEO e fondatore di Tactile Robots
Rocco Paladino, CEO di Meangrip Game Studios
Stefano Toxiri, CEO e cofondatore di Proteso 

Tavola rotonda #2: Concretizzando la rivoluzione dell’IA
Edoardo Pasolli, professore associato presso l’Università di Napoli Federico II
Jacopo Staiano, ricercatore presso l’Università degli Studi di Trento
Raffaele Boscaini, marketing director di Masi Agricola
Vincenzo Dentamaro, fondatore di Nextome e ricercatore presso l’Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”
Vincenzo Tommaseo, Agronomic Products Specialist di xFarm Technologies 

Tavola rotonda #3: Dal Sud al mondo (e viceversa)
Davide Colangelo, CEO e fondatore di Digital Lighthouse
Fabio Ostuni, Sales and Business Development di Nextome
Gero Micciché, Development Director di Electronic Arts
Stefano De Vivo, COO e Audio Director di PlayNook
Valerio Marra, International GTM Executive & Multiphysics Simulation Engineer
Velia Siciliano, principal investigator tenured - synthetic and systems biology for biomedicine presso il Centro dell'IIT di Napoli

Tavola rotonda #4: Smart building e smart city dalla Sicilia alle Alpi
Andrea Stefanina, M&C di Isinnova
Christian Sottana, direttore strategico di VHT
Giangiuseppe Tateo, fondatore di Nextome e Product and Platform Leader
Giulia Lucertini, ricercatrice presso l’Università Iuav di Venezia
Luca Lucchese, direttore generale di Spreentech Ventures
Marco Citro, CEO e fondatore di BioBuildingBlock

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