In the realm of indoor positioning technology Nextome stands out as an innovator offering state of the art solutions that redefine how we navigate environments. Leveraging unsupervised machine learning and AI filtering techniques Nextome technology has raised the bar for accuracy, efficiency and practicality marking an advancement in the field.

by Vincenzo Dentamaro


The Evolution of Nextome Technology 

Nextome approach leveraged unsupervised learning to eliminate the time consuming fingerprinting process traditionally used to calibrate RSSI signals from Bluetooth devices. This pioneering step not simplified deployment. Also paved the way, for future innovations. 


Using Deep Learning to Improve Accuracy 

Incorporating deep learning algorithms directly onto devices with a focus, on preserving battery life marks an advancement in enhancing location accuracy achieving up to 1 meter of error. This section will discuss the hurdles and innovations in attaining accuracy while efficiently managing power usage. 


The Innovation of Bluetooth 5.2 Location Engine 

With a 0.5m location accuracy the Nextome Bluetooth 5.2 location engine epitomizes precision at its peak.  


Cutting Edge AI Capabilities for Holistic Building Management 

Integrating AI functionalities into Nextome content management system enables device search capabilities and proactive maintenance of beacons. 

Harnessing AI technologies Nextome facilitates asset tracking and predictive analysis for peoples movements, within spaces. This predictive capacity has the potential to revolutionize space management by ensuring utilization and enhancing security. 



Energy Conservation and Integration, with Building Management Systems 


In the field of managing buildings focusing on energy efficiency and sustainability has become a priority. The merging of advanced indoor positioning technologies, those developed by Nextome, with building management systems (BMS) marks an advancement in reaching these objectives. This article explores how Nextome innovative indoor positioning technology, utilizing learning and AI filtering methods is transforming energy conservation and operational effectiveness in buildings. 

The Significance of Indoor Positioning in Energy Management 

The integration of positioning with BMS relies on accurately and dynamically grasping the occupancy and usage patterns of spaces within a building. Conventional energy management systems often rely on schedules or predetermined settings that overlook space utilization. Through its location tracking Nextome technology enables a time data centric approach to regulating a buildings energy usage. 

Adaptable Lighting and HVAC Management 

An immediate application of Nextome technology, in energy management lies in controlling lighting and HVAC systems. By monitoring peoples presence in building areas the system can instantly adjust lighting and temperature levels accordingly. 

For example you can adjust the lighting, in areas. Turn it off completely and the HVAC systems can decrease their output in unoccupied spaces to save energy efficiently. 

This approach not results in notable energy conservation but also fosters a more pleasant and responsive environment for those inside. For instance meeting rooms can be prepared with conditions before they are used considering the participants schedule and location to ensure comfort without waste. 

Anticipatory Maintenance and Efficient Operations 

In addition to real time adaptations integrating Nextome technology with Building Management Systems (BMS) enables maintenance. By analyzing data related to peoples movements and space usage the system can anticipate maintenance needs for facilities and equipment before problems occur. This practice not prolongs the life of building structures. Also guarantees that energy consuming devices operate at their best efficiency. 

Moreover predictive analytics can enhance resource allocation like cleaning and security services based on usage patterns. This strategic adjustment not saves energy. Also trims down operational expenses promoting a more sustainable and cost effective approach to building management. 

Advancing Sustainability through Smart Energy Strategies 

The fusion of indoor positioning technology, with BMS supports sustainability objectives by facilitating the implementation of energy strategies. 

By offering information, on how spacesre utilized Nextome technology empowers building managers to make well informed decisions that strike a balance between energy consumption and the needs of occupants. For example optimizing energy usage for efficiency without compromising on comfort or convenience can enhance the sustainability of a building. 

Moreover this technology can aid in meeting standards and regulations providing a means for buildings to decrease their carbon footprint. The data driven insights from Nextome system play a role in attaining certifications like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) which acknowledge building strategies and practices. 

The Evolution of Smart Buildings 

Looking the integration of Nextome indoor positioning technology with building management systems signals an era for smart buildings. As the Internet of Things (IoT) progresses, the potential for interconnected devices and systems to communicate and cooperate becomes increasingly feasible. Nextome technology has the potential to act as the foundation for a building ecosystem where energy management's just one element of a comprehensive approach to operating buildings. 

Within such an ecosystem indoor positioning could enable services ranging from bolstering security to personalizing occupants experiences while upholding a focus, on energy efficiency and sustainability. 

The combination of intelligence Internet of Things (IoT) and indoor positioning technology is expected to revolutionize our perceptions of the capabilities of buildings. This shift aims to create spaces that're not just intelligent but also flexible effective and attuned to the requirements of the people, within them. 


Practical Examples and Real world Implementations 


The practical benefits of Nextome indoor positioning technology particularly when combined with building management systems (BMS) become evident through real world applications and tangible examples. In industries such, as offices, retail environments, healthcare settings and educational institutions Nextome solution has proven its ability to improve energy efficiency, operational performance and overall occupant satisfaction. This segment delves into specific case studies that showcase the outcomes resulting from the implementation of Nextome advancements.   

Corporate Offices; Streamlining Efficiency and Employee Well being 

In a sprawling office complex balancing energy usage with creating a workspace for employees presents unique challenges. By integrating Nextome technology into the buildings management system adjustments to HVAC systems and lighting based on real time occupancy data were made possible. For instance in spaces like meeting rooms, communal areas and individual workstations, lighting and temperature controls were fine tuned according to usage patterns—resulting in reductions in energy consumption. Additionally the system facilitated working practices and flexible desk allocations by providing staff with information on workspaces via a mobile application—boosting productivity levels and optimizing space utilization. 

Retail Environments; Elevating Customer Satisfaction and Operational Effectiveness 

In the context of a chain store leveraging Nextome technology alongside their BMS not personalized shopping experiences, for customers but also optimized energy usage levels. 

Indoor positioning technology was used by the management to monitor foot traffic flow adjusting lighting and temperature controls in time, in areas where more customers were present. This data also aided in placing displays and scheduling staff efficiently during peak shopping hours. Energy conservation efforts were successful through lighting control that dimmed or switched off lights in zones as well as through HVAC systems that adjusted based on occupancy levels throughout the day. 

Enhancing Comfort and Energy Efficiency in Healthcare Settings 

A healthcare facility integrated Nextome technology to address the challenges of maintaining environmental conditions for patient comfort and safety while reducing energy consumption. By utilizing positioning the facilitys Building Management System could regulate temperatures and lighting in patient rooms waiting areas and operational spaces according to occupancy levels and time of day. This not ensured comfort for patients and staff but also resulted in a noticeable reduction in unnecessary energy usage. Furthermore the technology facilitated asset tracking enabling identification of equipment to enhance response times and patient care. 

Fostering Adaptive Learning Environments, in Educational Institutions 

An institution adopted Nextome technology to turn its campus into a learning environment. 

Classrooms and lecture halls were fitted with sensors that communicated with the Building Management System (BMS) to regulate lighting and temperature based on occupancy levels. This adjustment not improved the learning atmosphere. Also resulted in significant energy savings. Moreover the system allowed for space utilization enabling the institution to schedule classes to maximize room usage while minimizing energy usage in areas that were not being fully utilized.   

Optimizing Energy Conservation, in Industrial Facilities 

In environments with energy consumption and a focus on operational efficiency Nextome technology provided an innovative solution. By combining positioning with the BMS facilities could monitor and adjust environmental conditions in real time, across large warehouses and production areas. This optimization enhanced HVAC operations reducing energy use without compromising equipment functionality or worker safety requirements. Additionally the technology improved asset tracking and management further boosting effectiveness. 


Expanding Healthcare Applications through Nextome Indoor Positioning Technology   


In the healthcare sector, where efficiency, safety and patient well being take precedence the utilization of Nextome indoor positioning technology offers a wealth of opportunities to transform practices. By integrating with hospital management systems Nextome solutions have the potential to enhance experiences significantly streamline operations and elevate healthcare services. This section explores the healthcare applications that extend the reach of Nextome technology beyond energy management to directly impact care and facility operations.   

Improving Patient Navigation and Experience 

Hospitals and healthcare settings can often be labyrinths, for patients and visitors causing stress, confusion and missed appointments. Nextome indoor positioning technology can simplify navigation through applications by providing step by step guidance to appointments, departments and amenities within the facility. This not boosts satisfaction but also eases the burden on staff who regularly assist lost individuals. Enhanced navigation helps reduce missed appointments while optimizing staff scheduling and resource utilization. 

Managing Asset Tracking 

Healthcare institutions handle assets from medical devices to patient beds. Misplacing or not having access, to these assets can result in inefficiencies and delayed patient treatments. 

Nextome innovative technology enables the real time tracking of these resources ensuring their availability, on demand. This feature minimizes the time healthcare workers spend searching for equipment resulting in patient care delivery and potentially saving lives in scenarios. Furthermore effective asset management can significantly cut down on expenses linked to underutilized resources. 

Ensuring Patient Safety through Environmental Monitoring 

Maintaining conditions is crucial in various areas within healthcare facilities such as operating theaters, intensive care units and pharmacies. Nextome indoor positioning system can be integrated with environmental monitoring setups to guarantee that factors like temperature, humidity and air quality remain within parameters. Automated alerts can promptly notify staff of any deviations empowering them to take action to reduce risks and enhance safety while complying with health regulations.   

Enhancing Workflow Efficiency and Staff Deployment 

Nextome technology offers insights into staff movements. Workflow patterns by identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies, in patient care procedures. By analyzing this data healthcare institutions can streamline workflows, optimize staff deployment and decrease patient wait times. This optimization not enhances the quality of care. Also boosts staff morale by minimizing unnecessary workloads and stress. 

Critical Importance of Emergency Response and Evacuation 

During emergency situations every moment is vital.Nextome indoor positioning technology has the potential to play a role, in coordinating emergency responses by guiding teams efficiently to patients in need. Likewise in evacuation scenarios the system can direct individuals to the exits while steering clear of any dangerous or obstructed areas. This use of the technology has the power to greatly enhance the safety and well being of both patients and healthcare workers during situations.   

Infection Control and Prevention 

Utilizing Nextome technology to track the movements of patients, visitors and staff can be pivotal in infection control and prevention efforts. In case of an outbreak of a disease the system can assist in identifying individuals who may have been exposed based on their movements and interactions within the premises. This data is essential, for implementing quarantine protocols and halting transmission of infections thereby safeguarding both patients and healthcare professionals. 

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Future Prospects and AIs Role in Indoor Positioning 


The realm of positioning stands at the brink of a transformation, driven by the swift progress, in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies. Nextomes innovative efforts to merge learning and AI filtering methods with indoor positioning systems mark just the initial phase. Looking ahead AIs role in positioning is poised to broaden, offering precision, efficiency and potential applications. This segment delves into the prospects of positioning and the crucial influence that AI will wield in shaping this trajectory. 

Improved Precision and Adaptive Real Time Capability 

Future advancements in AI will concentrate on refining the accuracy of indoor positioning systems. Through learning and adaptation AI algorithms can enhance their performance over time by deepening their comprehension of indoor settings. This advancement could pave the way for near flawless precision in location tracking amidst evolving environments like bustling public spaces or heavily obstructed industrial sites. 

Additionally real time adaptability will emerge as an attribute as AI systems swiftly adjust to alterations in surroundings (such, as construction activities or furniture rearrangements) without necessitating manual interventions. This degree of flexibility not enhances user satisfaction. Also broadens the scope of indoor positioning applicability across a diverse array of environments. 

Predictive Analysis and Tailored Experiences 

Artificial intelligence is poised to take indoor positioning systems to the level by going beyond location tracking. By incorporating analysis these systems can foresee the movements of people and assets. This advancement has the potential to transform industries, such, as retail, where customized shopping experiences based on anticipated customer movements could become the norm. It also holds promise for emergency services allowing them to predict and prepare for crowd dynamics in time during crises. 

In the realm of healthcare predictive analysis could revolutionize patient care pathways by anticipating their needs and streamlining hospital operations for care delivery. In work environments this technology could optimize space utilization. Boost employee productivity by predicting and catering to employees requirements throughout the day. 

Synergy with IoT and Intelligent Buildings 

The evolution of positioning is closely tied to the ecosystem of the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart buildings. Artificial intelligence will play a role in merging positioning data with other IoT devices and systems fostering intelligent spaces that proactively cater to their occupants. 

Within buildings AI driven indoor positioning has the potential to regulate lighting, heating and air conditioning systems, with accuracy. These settings can be adjusted in time based on occupancy levels and anticipated movement patterns. Not does this enhance energy efficiency. It also creates environments that adapt to individual occupants comfort preferences. 

Augmented Reality (AR) and Advanced Navigation 

AI is set to improve AR applications providing interactive navigation experiences. By interpreting a users location and situation AR apps could offer guidance, information and services. For instance in museums or historical sites AR could provide visitors with customized details, about exhibits based on where they're located and how they move around enhancing the learning experience. 

Enhanced Security and Privacy Measures 

As indoor positioning technologies become more widespread safeguarding data security and privacy will be crucial. AI will play a role in developing encryption and anonymization methods to secure user data. Moreover AI algorithms can detect movement patterns that might signal security risks bolstering safety, in areas and structures. 




Nextome progression from utilizing learning to incorporating AI functionalities signifies a groundbreaking shift in indoor positioning technology. By pushing boundaries in accuracy, efficiency and functionality Nextome not enriches our interactions within indoor environments but also charts a path, towards smarter, safer and more sustainable buildings. 

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